Earthing means connecting the dead part ( that part which doesn't carry current under normal condition) to Exothermic welding system Suppliers the earth. For e.g. electrical equipment's frames, support. The green wire is generally made the earth wire.
Under fault condition, the non current carrying metals of an electrical installation such as frames,supports, enclosures etc may attain high potential wrt ground so that any person or stray animal coming in its contact will experience a potential difference and so current will flow through their body and the result will be fatal.
To avoid this, non current carrying metal parts of the electrical system are connected to the earth by means of an earthing system comprising of earth conductors to conduct the fault currents safely to the ground.
Grounding means connecting the live part( the part carrying current under normal condition) to the earth. For eg. Neutral wire of power transformer. Lightning Arrester Suppliers generally black wire is used as neutral wire.
Grounding is done for the protections of power system equipment and to provide an effective return path from the machine to the power source.
Some differences-
In USA term grounding is used whereas in UK earthing is used.
Ground is a source of unwanted currents and also as a return path for mains sometimes. While earthing is done not for return path but for protection of delicate equipments.
If a neutral point of a generator or transformer is connected to zero potential, it is called grounding and if the body of the transformer or generator is connected to the zero potential then it is called earthing.
In earthing the circuit is physically connected to the ground but in grounding it is not.